Nobuko Imai

桐朋学園大学卒業、イェール大学大学院、ジュリアード音楽院を経て、1967年 ミュンヘン、68年ジュネーヴ両国際コンクールで最高位入賞。 70年西ドイツ音楽功労賞受賞。




フィリップス、BIS、グラモフォン等から40以上のCDをリリース。著書に「憧れ ヴィオラとともに」(春秋社)がある。



With her exceptional talent, musical integrity, and charisma, Nobuko Imai is considered to be one of the most outstanding violist of our time.

After finishing her studies at the Toho School of Music, Yale University and the Juilliard School, she won the highest prizes at both the prestigious international competition in Munich and Geneva. Formerly a member of the esteemed Vermeer Quartet, Ms. Imai now combines a distinguished international solo career. She has appeared with many of the wolrd’s prestigious orchestras such as Berlin Philharmonic, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, London, Boston, and Chicago Symphonies, among many others.

A keen chamber musician, Ms. Imai has often performed with world’s renowned artists at numerous world’s most distinguished music festivals, including Marlboro, Pablo Casals in Prado, Ravinia, and Verbier. From 2003 to 2020, Nobuko Imai was founding member of Michelangelo String Quartet. The quartet achieved numerous acclaimed projects such like the Beethoven quartet cyle in Scotland and Japan and the world premiere of Lera Auerbach’s “Goetia. 72 – In umbra Lucis”, among others.

Nobuko Imai has dedicated a large part of her artistic activities to explore the diverse potential of the viola. In 1995/1996 she was artistic director of three Hindemith Festivals in London, New York, and Tokyo. She is the funder of the annual “Viola Space” project which is dedicated to “celebrating the viola, introducing outstanding works and new works for viola”. And also, since 2009, the Tokyo International Viola Competition is held every three years as part of the Viola Space. She is also keen to expand the viola repertoire and has given a number of first performances of the composers such as Toru Takemitsu, Toshio Hosokawa, Ichiro Nodaira, Michael Tippett, among many others.

An impressive discography of over 40 CDs shows Nobuko Imai’s recordings for prestigious labels such as Philips, BIS, Deutsche Grammophon.

Her many prizes include the Avon Arts Award, the Education Minister’s Art Prize for Music awarded by the Japanese Agency of Cultural Affairs, the Mobil Prize, the Suntory Music Prize, and the Mainichi Art Prize. Ms. Imai received the Purple Ribbon Medal and the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette from the Japanese government.

Ms. Imai now teaches at Amsterdam Conservatory, Kronberg International Academy, and Queen Sofia College of Music in Madrid.

Toshihiko Ichitsubo


大学院在籍中から活発な演奏活動を行い、新星日本交響楽団(現・東フィル)首席奏者(1992〜1994年)、澤クヮルテット(1990〜)、紀尾井ホール室内管弦楽団(1995〜)、東京クライス ・アンサンブル(2008〜)のメンバーを務める。


He compleated graduate studies in music at Tokyo University of the Arts in 1992.
While in college, he won several Audition, such as the NHK Music Audition and won the Ataka Prize at Tokyo University of the Arts.

He is member of the Sawa Quartet (1990-), Kioi Hall Chamber Orchestra. He has performed as a soloist and chamber musician with numerous Festival. In the 2000/2001 season, the 10th anniversary of the formation, he gave a complete Beethoven string quartet concert, both of which were outstanding critical acclame received.
He has worked with renowned artists such as members of the Amadeus String Quartet, Jörg Demus, Peter Lösel (piano), Alfred Prinz(clarinet), Rainer Honeck (violin), Southwest German Philharmonic Orchestra, etc.

Currently, he is a professor at Tokyo University of the Arts and a lecturer at Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts, and is actively involved in nurturing the next generation.

Ryo Sasaki

東京芸術大学附属音楽高等学校を経て東京芸術大学卒業。在学中、安宅賞受賞。芸大オーケストラと共演。1991年、現音室内楽コンクール第1位、「朝日現音賞」受賞。1992年、東京国際室内楽コンクール(民音)第2位、「ルフトハンザ賞」受賞。1992年秋より、ニューヨーク、ジュリアード音楽院入学。アスペン音楽祭、マルボロ音楽祭に参加。マルボロ音楽祭ではMusicians from Marlboro Tour のメンバーに3年連続で選ばれ全米各地にて演奏した他、2000年のマルボロ音楽祭50周年記念コンサートに出演。

在米中リンカーンセンターでリサイタルの他ソロ、室内楽奏者として全米各地にて活動、内田光子、ヒラリー・ハーン、ナージャ・サレルノ・ソネンバーグ、リン・ハレル、デイヴィッド・ソイヤー等と共演し、好評を博した。また弦楽アンサンブルSejong Soloists, ヴィヴァルディ・ヴィルトゥオージのメンバーとしてカーネギー・ホールなど各地の主要ホールで演奏した。CDはEMI/Angelよりチャイコフスキー弦楽六重奏、ブラームス弦楽6重奏をリリース。


東京クライス アンサンブルなど室内楽奏者としても幅広く活動している。2016年9月にはRCA/Sonyよりパーヴォ・ヤルヴィ指揮NHK交響楽団、チェリスト トゥルルス・モルクとの共演によるR.シュトラウスの『ドン・キホーテ』がリリースされた。また演奏活動の傍ら桐朋学園大学、東京芸術大学、東京音楽大学、洗足学園音楽大学にて後進の指導に当たっている。

Ryo Sasaki, Principal Violist with NHK Symphony Orchestra in Japan was born in Saitama Japan. Ryo Sasaki is the winner of several prestigious competitions including first prize in the Tokyo Contemporary Chamber Music competition and second prize in the Tokyo International Chamber Music competition.

After graduating from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, he moved to New York, and studied with Dorothy Delay and Masao Kawasaki at The Juilliard School.
While he was in the United States, he was active as a chamber musician, touring Korea with the Sejong Soloists, the ensemble whom he began playing the Viola. He also participated in Marlboro and Aspen Music Festival.

Mr. Sasaki went back to Japan in 2003 to join the NHK Symphony Orchestra and became the Principal Violist in 2008.

Since his come back in Japan, he has remained active as both Soloist and Chamber Musician. He performs regularly with the Viola Space Festival in Tokyo which is run by its music director Nobuko Imai and Antoine Tamestit.

He also made his recital debut in Tokyo in 2012 which was met by critical acclaim.
He is a faculty member of Toho Gakuen School of Music, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo College of Music and Senzoku Gakuen College of Music.

Shuko Ito





Shuko Ito studied piano performance at Ueno Gakuen University Faculty of Music Department of Music Soloist Course, Music Department of Music Postgraduate Diploma Course in Music Instrument Music Studies in Japan. Her principal teachers include Yukio Yokoyama, Rena Miyamoto and Teruko Tanaka. She also studied chamber music under Sadao Harada and Tatsuya Shimono.

Subsequently, she received two masters degrees in Concert Instrument Option musique de chambre and d’accompagnement from Haute école de musique de Genève in Switzerland, studying with Gui-Michel Caillat and the late Jean-Jacques Balet.

After her return to Japan in 2018, Shuko served as accompanist pianist at “The Viola Academy” sponsored by the Ono Culture Foundation and “Tamba Sasayama Viola Master Class”. In Geneva, upon recommendation from faculty, she served as studio pianist for the class of Patrick Genet (violin) and Matthias Buchholz (viola).

She was invited to perform at the Graduation Concert held at the Imperial Household Agency, and the Annual Concert by “Rookie” Musicians series in both Tokyo and Aichi.
In 2012, Shuko participated in the Japanisches Sommerseminar in der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, working with Professor Michael Krist. Since 2019, she has participated in “A Seminar on Chamber Music for Pianists” sponsored by the Ono Culture Foundation.

Currently, to further refine her artistry as a chamber musician, Shuko works closely with Nobuko Imai, Fuyuka Kusa, and Ryo Oshima.

Ryu Matsuda




Ryu Matsuda was born in 1996.
He started playing the piano at the age of 5 with Yukari Hagiwara, and from the age of 7 he studied under Naoko Shibanuma.He studied under Nobutatsu Kawashima from the age of 15.

Ryu wins many awards in Japanese competitions.
And He graduated from Toho Gakuen College with honors.
Currently Ryu is soloist and ensemble pianist. Especially he often plays with a violist.
